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Number of voters: 67
2008-10-01 [All_Most PUNK]: Tyrand, I moved yours to the wiki itself instead of the comments.
2008-10-01 [Hedda]: Thanks all of you so far! [Tyrand]'s and [Linderel]'s were personal and unique. I don't really understand [sequeena_rae]'s and [Mekashef]'s though.
2008-10-01 [sequeena_rae]: Good :P
2008-10-01 [smakeupfx]: don't worry [Hedda], no one really understands [sequeena_rae] ;-)
2008-10-01 [sequeena_rae]: shush you xP
2008-10-01 [smakeupfx]: *mangiggle*
2008-10-01 [Kyrinn]: Isnt that called a miggle?
2008-10-01 [smakeupfx]: no, that's when a midget wiggles ;-P
2008-10-01 [Kyrinn]: XD So maybe a muckle?
2008-10-01 [smakeupfx]: XD
2008-10-01 [Veltzeh]: I'm slow. IRC channels distract me. :P
2008-10-01 [grayghost]: I use Elftown when the normal world gets to be to much for me!And when I am not here for that I try and return the favor that others have given to me!"May Dust Bunnys and Hot Chocolate lase forever!
2008-10-01 [Yuriona]: FACSIST!!! *shakes fist at Cali*
2008-10-01 [All_Most PUNK]: Grayghost: I moved yours to the wiki itself instead of the comments. Hope that was ok.
2008-10-01 [Kyrinn]: *points at Cali and laughs*
2008-10-01 [Stratakus]: I also use it for free porn
2008-10-01 [Yuriona]: Free porn and free online games. =3 9Dragons and Perfect World ftw!! xD
2008-10-02 [Stratakus]: I still say this is a porn site in disguise.
2008-10-02 [Thunder Cid]: Porn?
*looks around*
2008-10-02 [Stratakus]: It takes a specially skilled sort of perv to find it. ... I use Elftown to hone my skills.
2008-10-02 [Thunder Cid]: Hmmm...you intrigue me. Tell me more.
2008-10-02 [Kyrinn]: My perv senses are tingling!
2008-10-02 [Lothuriel]: Perv + Stratakus = porn on roids?
2008-10-03 [Kyrinn]: O.o not like hemorrhoids I hope.
2008-10-03 [Thunder Cid]: Oh dear lord!
2008-10-03 [Hedda]: [Delladreing] doesn't have any public diary posts!
2008-10-03 [Ramirez]: lol, I looked too. =(
2008-10-03 [Lothuriel]: Glad to know I'm not the only one...
2008-10-04 [Orestez]: I know she don't... I'm special! *glee*
2008-10-04 [Thunder Cid]: @_@
2008-10-04 [Calico Tiger]: Oh yeah?? I can be a tease too! :O I have fried icecream <3
2008-10-04 [Thunder Cid]: *snatches fried icecream*
2008-10-04 [Calico Tiger]: O_O /cry
2008-10-04 [Thunder Cid]: *feels bad*
Here...I'm sorry don't cry.
*hands back the fried icecream but looks at it hungrily*
2008-10-04 [Kyrinn]: *bites cid* oops. Thought you were ice cream. *drools on Cali*
2008-10-04 [Thunder Cid]: *screams*
2008-10-04 [Kyrinn]: what you screaming for? Ive had my shots. :B
2008-10-04 [Thunder Cid]: I hurt! *dropkicks*
2008-10-04 [Kyrinn]: Football! *points and runs after* But football isnt why we use ET, is it? :D
2008-10-04 [Thunder Cid]: Grrrrrr!
2008-10-06 [elfprincess021]: ice cream!?! ooohhh! lol
2008-10-07 [Shainn]: ahah thanks. so who do we have to bite for some of that ice cream in here?
2008-10-07 [Thunder Cid]: Go for Calico. She seems to be the weak link ^^
2008-10-07 [Calico Tiger]: *bites Cid* My ice cream!
2008-10-07 [Thunder Cid]: Ow. *bites back*
2008-10-07 [Calico Tiger]:
2008-10-07 [Thunder Cid]:
2008-10-07 [Lothuriel]: Oh nos!!! Cali's a ghost!!!
2008-10-08 [Shainn]: good thing I didn't attempt to bite her? oh well... *bites Lothuriel instead, then looks the cute puppy look, wow he's good at that too!*
2008-10-08 [HardRockAngel]: *stands there, looking scared to be bitten*
2008-10-08 [Lothuriel]: *enjoys it*
2008-10-08 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: o.o
2008-10-09 [Ihsahn]: Because Lerune is afk on vent!
2008-10-09 [Jeccabee]: *bites HardRock just cause she looks scared*
2008-10-09 [nehirwen]: *bites Jeccabee for biting people who are scared to be bitten*
2008-10-09 [Jeccabee]: *bites Nehirwen* it was just a little nibble...just to show it's not so bad. :P
2008-10-09 [nehirwen]: Ah, alright, you may do that. :)
*bites back though*
2008-10-09 [HardRockAngel]: *is bitten*
Hey! =P
*bites back*
2008-10-09 [Viking]: Uh oh...it's a biting frenzy!
2008-10-09 [HardRockAngel]: Yup =P
*bites Viking too*
2008-10-09 [Jeccabee]: *bites Cali* pthh...cat hair! dangit!
2008-10-10 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: THAT'S MY BUTTCHEEK YOU JERK! *fist* >=O!!
2008-10-10 [kay-chan]: I was using that leg! O___<
2008-10-10 [Viking]: Huh...so yous that have bitten me have now been infected. Unless you've had the antidote already...
*laughs maniacally*
2008-10-10 [Jeccabee]: MY FINGER! I need that... :(
2008-10-10 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: How am I supposed to sit on a horse now?
2008-10-10 [HardRockAngel]: *glares at cid*
2008-10-10 [nehirwen]: Ooh, nice bite in my neck. <3
2008-10-10 [Shainn]: what kind of a twisted instinct would drive someone to bite my TENTACLE?? (t'was a birthday gift from Cthulhu Himself) *cries*
2008-10-11 [Serwa]: The very reason I been comin here for about 5 or 6 years already ;)
2008-10-11 [Viking]: ^ Wow...someone I can't call a n00b!
2008-10-12 [Serwa]: By the way, I remember seeing a page where this whole thing got explained, that it was a well, atleast some sort of, but I might be mistaken, contest and/or stuff?
There's no link on this page to the page I think to have seen anyways. If you understand what I mean.
Yes. Waka has spoken. Thank you.
2008-10-12 [Serwa]: Well, basicly the page which links to this page,
which this page aint linking back to.
Lets say you have one wiki page which is called 'CONTEST ANNOUNCEMENT' and there's always a link on that page to 'CONTEST ENTRIES' and then I use Elftown because would be the entries, and im wondering where the contest announcement page is :)
2008-10-12 [Jeccabee]: I didnt know this was a contest...I was invited here.
2008-10-12 [Serwa]: Yea, I entered my line when you invited me to it,
But some day or two before that I stumbled on to the page i'm asking for perchance!
Unless I been hallucinating again, i'm pretty sure this was a "contest" of some sort :)
Can Hedda confirm this, or is this myth busted?
2008-10-12 [Aradon Templar]: You aren't thinking of the Colour contest, are you? It's a similar contest just asking for entries of colour descriptions, and if I recall, looks a bit similar to this page.
2008-10-13 [Hedda]: [Serwa]: Maybe you pressed that "Mood"-button to the right that lists your friends' moods?
2008-10-13 [Hedda]: EH, no. I read wrong now. Yes, we had some sort of Elftown description contest, I think.
2008-10-13 [Hedda]: And there was an Elfpack contest:
2008-10-14 [Serwa]: Yarp! That's the one I meant!
As said, I seen that page in a glimpse 2 days before I got invited onto this wiki, easy to mix up ;)
Thanks for clearing it out!
2008-10-15 [Aradon Templar]: Demona, Elftown has had its own troubles with 'hacking' too. Yes Mort, I'm looking at you :P
2008-10-15 [Chimes]: Mort? Surely not! :P Never heard of such a thing! *coughs profusely*
2008-10-15 [Aradon Templar]: Chimes, I have to ask, and perhaps I would find the answer more swiftly by checking the Elftown names page, but you aren't here to contaminate all magic and bring about an end to life as we know it, are you? :P (Reference to a book, Sword of Truth series by Goodkind)
2008-10-15 [kay-chan]: That sounds like my typical Friday night.
2008-10-15 [Chimes]: Well, I didn't want to say anything but... XD (I have never heard of it)
2008-10-15 [Aradon Templar]: :D I must recommend the series to any fantasy lover, though I'll give fair warning that they're fairly lengthy and gripping in such a manner that, even if you manage to put the book down for this 'real life' thing people talk about, you'll be a mental wreck until the book resolves itself. But it's my personal favorite.
2008-10-15 [Chimes]: I may have to read it then. I assume my username is mentioned?
2008-10-15 [Aradon Templar]: The chimes are a plot development later in the series, I think around book for, Temple of the Winds. They're somewhat minor, but at the same time they manage to threaten the world :P
2008-10-15 [Chimes]: Wow, I feel... rather evil, actually, which is strange seeing as I wouldn't hurt a fly. XD
2008-10-15 [Aradon Templar]: That saying about not hurting flies almost applies to me, except that flies seem to get an exception because I am a fly killer. In any case, I don't think they were presented as really evil, but their presence simply caused problems. Almost more mischevious and amoral rather than good or evil. But again, the chimes were a relatively minor plot development, in a way. In another way they were incredible big for the plot? The series is so complicated, but it's awesome.
2008-10-15 [Chimes]: So... I'm mischievious. Interesting. *thoughtful pose*
You do realise you are now quoted in my Diary, right? That out of the blue questioning of my motives was brilliant.
2008-10-16 [Linderel]: That's mischievous.
2008-10-16 [Chimes]: That's the one. *corrects*
2008-10-16 [Linderel]: *Lami the Nitpicker has struck again* <_<
2008-10-16 [Chimes]: It's all good. My excuse is... it's 1:25am...
2008-10-16 [Linderel]: 3:26 here. Not good enough :P
2008-10-16 [Chimes]: I'm suffering an allergic reaction too.
2008-10-16 [Aradon Templar]: Sweet :D Sorry, it was extraordinaril
2008-10-16 [Linderel]: Ah. Then you're forgiven. :3
Allergy suuuuuucks.
2008-10-16 [Chimes]: I didn't know I even HAD this allergy. >.<;; Damn herbal remedy smell.. Yes, it's the smell that did it.
Ahhh, I see.
2008-10-16 [Linderel]: The human body works in mysterious ways. o_O
But I has Pronunciation and an exam on general linguistics tomorrow - or rather, today - so, uh. Bed. <_< Less than five hours of sleep, yaaaaaaaaay xP
2008-10-16 [kay-chan]: I gots me 2 exams tomorrow... 5 hours if I'm LUCKY. >.<
2008-10-16 [Chimes]: Eeep!
2008-10-16 [Jeccabee]: ah...so glad I'm out of school! LOL now i just have to deal with the "real world" XP
2008-10-16 [Chimes]: I am in College. It's scary I am now applying to Universities..
2008-10-16 [kay-chan]: ...uuuuuuugh I'm so behind on deadlines... STUPID REAL WORLD.
2008-10-21 [Chimes]: The REAL world? I thought that was a Myth. :P
2008-10-21 [Doormat]: i herd theres no respawning in teh real werld :( (i also herd they dun liek Mudkips there D:).
2008-10-21 [Chimes]: OH NOES!
2008-10-21 [Doormat]: The tragic truth of the real world.
2008-10-21 [Chimes]: Let us stay away from it.
2008-10-22 [Shainn]: Indeed.
2008-10-22 [Jeccabee]: Mudkips?
2008-10-22 [Aeolynn]: Why does everyone hate the Mudkip? I think it's cute.
2008-10-22 [kay-chan]: Mudkips remind me of deformed beavers. And only because I think that meme has run its course.
2008-10-23 [Jeccabee]: what is a mudkip?
2008-10-23 [kay-chan]: See my last comment. XD
Genetic reject version of a pokemon:
2008-10-23 [Jeccabee]: awww is cute!
2008-10-26 [Chimes]: Hehe
2008-10-27 [Surimia]: on Deviantart for April Fool's they replaced everyone's icons with "SO I HERD U LIEK MUDKIPS?!" and a pic of that...
2008-10-27 [kay-chan]: Yeah, that was funny for about three minutes... >.< Then I wanted my icon back.
2008-10-27 [Doormat]: The swarm stops for nobody...
Except for maybe
2008-10-27 [Aradon Templar]: Haha, now people are going to actually read my ridiculous reason about enabling services to display lists. Don't even ask me what it means, all I know is I was told by an undisclosed person to put it on here :P
2008-10-27 [Chimes]: Awh man, I was going to ask. XD You think every elftwon needs a Chimes? XD
2008-10-28 [Aradon Templar]: And a me, I took it as a <insert your name here> sort of thing. But I guess we need you too :P
As for my entry, the undisclosed person (who is remaining unnamed for no real reason beyond my whimsical word choice last comment?) told me to put it down, because it popped up on her computer one day. The computer told her when she pushed some button combination that she had to enable the service to display the list, which was presumably some sort of device on her computer that said 'bonjour' or something. But she said it sounded like something that could fit on this list and told me to put it on here, so I did :P
2008-10-28 [Chimes]: HOORAY!
That's actually awesome XD
2008-10-28 [Zab]: I use elftown because I can upload and post random pictures! :D
(the Elftown monster is ripping her way out! She will eat us all! :O)
2008-10-28 [kay-chan]: Forum dog is watching you cyber.
2008-10-28 [Hedda]: i iz in ur elftown rippin it appart!
2008-10-28 [Zab]: Look how hungrily she's watching Chimes and Aradon..:O
2008-10-28 [Aeolynn]: that reminds me of my old HS's tshirt for band... a river rat tearing it's way out of the shirt lol... i was not in band my brother was =P (yeah. my old hs icon was a river rat. love it or die.) :]
2008-10-28 [Chimes]: She's going to eat me! *hides*
2008-10-28 [Zab]: Maybe she hasn't managed to rip through the invisible, uberstrong, magicl EET-dog defense yet! :O Tease her so we'l know!
2008-10-28 [Chimes]: But if she has she WILL eat me! You want me to diiiiie!
2008-10-28 [kay-chan]: *holds a tennis ball and fakes throwing it behind her*
...nope! :D
2008-10-28 [Chimes]: *is huddled in a corner, rocking*
2008-10-28 [Zab]: Dog: *watches Chimes, wagging tail*
2008-10-28 [Aradon Templar]: But it's a cute dog who is curious to see if there really is anything outside the internet. Can't we just tell it there isn't, and then it'll all be settled?
2008-10-28 [Zab]: I think she has seen too much..
2008-10-28 [Chimes]: *hides behind Aradon* Meep!
2008-11-01 [Hedda]: I've posted a few of the quotes on <URL:index-
2008-11-24 [grayghost]: I use Elftown because of it's diverse group of people both in age,cultures,r
It is also the only place that I am likely to meet people from other countrys that I probubly never get to travel to.
2008-12-03 [Jeccabee]: I think the Elftown being green answer is going to win. LOL
2009-01-01 [sequeena_rae]: Dudes, wtf. Why did anyone vote for me XD
2009-01-01 [nehirwen]: Well...who doesn't want world domination? :P
2011-02-03 [Top_Hatter]: You don't have to maintain anything but the fear. Legends grow. Myths increase. You become god-like in fear and intimidation. The power of suggestion is all you need to maintain control ...that and delegate your responsibiliti
2011-07-31 [Incredible20]: I use ElfTown because am a being of Magic, created by Magic to devour YOU.
2011-10-03 [Hedda]: Oh... The lack of apps is a big nice feature!
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